
Long time no see!

Hi, Everyone!! How are you doing? Actually, I could'nt update my blog for forgot my password. Sorry, Everyone!!

First of All, the other day, Otosan and I got 25th anniversary(Japanese say Gin-konshiki, Gin means Silver, Konshiki means wedding anniversary) . So, Otoosan Manami and I was traveling to Okinawa(South Ireland in Japan). It takes around 2 hours from Tokyo to Okinawa. Offcourse, I hope American people know about Okinawa's history. This sea is so clean. and Manami will spend a great time. Because, she saw great tortoise in the sea. It's cool!! Because, in Japan, If we could see the tortoise in the sea, we will feel hopeful about the future.
Otousan is Great ! He is playing as Diver for around 20 years. He will got so happy in Okinawa.
I will attached pictures, again soon.
Thank you for reading.